Speakers Instruction

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Please bring your PowerPoint file on a flash drive. We prefer to avoid switching from the main presentation laptop (Windows 11) to individual laptops. Prior to your session, and as early as possible — preferably first thing in the morning or during lunch — please ask the session assistant to load your presentation onto the computer from your flash drive. Briefly test your file to ensure it functions properly. At the end of each session, all presentations will be deleted from the computer to ensure that your presentation cannot be accessed or used by anyone else.

Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 2021) is the primary software for presentations. Slides can be prepared in either a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio. If your presentation is in another format or prepared on a Mac, please test it on a PC using PowerPoint to ensure compatibility with the on-site system, and bring a backup copy in PDF format. Presentations prepared in PowerPoint for Mac rarely pose issues. You may include videos with audio in your presentation.

Contributed oral presentations are allocated 15-minute time slots: 12 minutes for the presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions. Invited talks have 20-minute time slots: 17 minutes for the presentation, with 3 minutes for questions. Time limits will be strictly enforced by the session moderator, who will notify you as you approach your time limit. A laser pointer will be available for each session.
If for any reason you are unable to present, please inform both the POF2024 Secretariat (secretariat@pof2024.org) and the POF2024 Technical Program Committee (program_cmtee@pof2024.org). If possible, also notify the session presider. If you are unable to attend, a co-author may present on your behalf.

Instructions for Poster Presentation

The main poster session will be held on Day 1 (November 11th) at TOGO-KINENKAN. All poster presenters are required to display their posters during this session. Posters can also be displayed at the Mita Campus of Keio University on Day 2 (November 12th) and Day 3 (November 13th). We strongly recommend that you display your posters during these times as well to facilitate further discussions. The schedule is as follows:

Day 1 (November 11th)

Venue: TOGO-KINENKAN, 3rd floor, “Juko”
Poster Set-up: 15:00–16:30
Presentation Time: 16:30–18:00
Poster Removal: At 18:00 (as soon as Poster Session is over.)

During the designated presentation times, presenters must stand by their poster boards and be available to answer questions.
Please note that you will not be able to set up your poster before 15:00, as the room will be in the process of being prepared. After the poster session ends at 18:00, please promptly remove your poster and proceed to the conference dinner on the 4th floor, “Tensho.” The secretariat will not be able to store or manage your posters, so please take responsibility for handling them yourself.

Day 2 (November 12th) and Day 3 (November 13th)

Venue: Keio University Mita Campus, North Building
Poster Set-up: By lunchtime on the 12th (Tue)
Exhibition and Poster Time: November 12th, 16:30–17:30
Poster Removal: After lunchtime on the 13th (Wed)

We encourage you to take advantage of the exhibition time, as well as lunch and coffee breaks, for additional discussions.


Judging for the Poster Award will take place throughout the three days of the conference. Please ensure that your poster is displayed for the entire duration.

The POF2024 organizing committee will provide poster boards measuring 900 mm in width × 1800 mm in height. Adhesive putty or tape will be supplied for hanging your poster. The use of thumb tacks or pins on the poster boards is prohibited. Each board will be numbered. Please place your poster on the assigned board, as indicated in the final conference program. Please note that any posters left behind after the conference will be discarded.

The 32nd International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers
